Thursday, July 21, 2011

Swim Trunks.

A day at the beach does not merit an excuse to forgo style. People-watching occurs just as much there (if not more) than it does in the city so do not slip. Trunks should be fitted, not baggy and sloppy looking.

Think of what he would do in this situation. He is a man who knows his role. He is not surfing; therefore, you do not see baggy board shorts on him.

Swim attire is not the time to get creative with prints you would never wear in your daily life (i.e. Paisley, Tetris prints, embroidered whales, etc - as pictured below).

In SHORT, respect the environment you're in. Class does not take holidays off.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Certain accessories should be carefully considered when it comes to making an outstanding first impression: watches, bags, belts and shoes (we’ll touch on more at a later date, including sunglasses and hats). If you’re going to splurge on anything in the outfit, it should be at least those listed. They all speak for you before you ever open your mouth, so make sure they’re making a statement.

First of all not everyone wears a watch these days. This is likely due to people using their phones as their main source of time. This opens a whole new can of worms. If you are not wearing a watch AND your phone looks like you just snuck it into detention at Bayside to order some pizzas - you are totally hosed. Leave Zack Morris fashion in the 80's where it belongs along with his phone which was the size and color of an Oldsmobile 88 from the late 70's. I digress…

If you do decide to wear a watch, do not mail in your selection - take your time and choose something that says a few things: #1 - I have a job where I do well and do not get paid in packing peanuts and Marlboro coupons and #2 - I am capable of telling time on a watch that is not digital - because when people see me I do not want them to picture Dennis Nedry eating a stick of beef jerky at his computer wearing my watch.


I mean if you want to look like a hippo ate the discount rack at a Walmart and then threw up onto a stick figure…he is your hero. Even his jewelry; while expensive is in poor taste. If you are going to blow $100,000 on a watch, make sure it does not look like I could have fished it out of a box of Fruit Loops or like I burglarized Toucan Sam's apartment.

Take notes.

Think of a bag as being used for work or an overnight stay. Not to go shopping with your girlfriend, who by the way, is dressed how you SHOULD be dressed. I mean no self respecting woman wants to go anywhere in public with a man who looks like he selected his outfit out of the dirty clothes hamper of a 13 year old girl born in 1976. If you are going to dress like that, please save everyone some trouble and tape a name tag to your chest indicating "man" / "woman" and save us the trouble of betting our friends when you walk by at a bar.

Too much...calm down.

When it comes to belts and shoes, one must compliment the other. If you are wearing a brown belt and black shoes either you got dressed in the dark or you are asking for people to think you are legally blind. Do yourself a favor and match your belt to your shoes. You learned your colors in Kindergarten…act like it (unless you were that asshole kid coloring trees orange and basketballs green in which case you should have been caned as a child). Furthermore, if you are buying your shoes from the military surplus down the street - here is a clue - people know you paid $8 for a pair of leather shoes a sailor wore during the battle of the Marshall Islands. Grow up and go to the mall (no, Fair Oaks does not count).

~J and guest writer

Monday, June 20, 2011


The name of the game is Class All Day. Not just half a day, not just part of a day, NOthing SHORT but All Day my friends. While this post is addressed to men, ladies don't tune out because behind every asshole is a good woman. So please take what you read and don't be shy to help your man. Somehow and at some point men (and women) decided that comfort trumped class. Before this degradation, the reason a man wore an ascot, a three piece suit, a top hat and braces was because he looked like a manhouse in them. He wore it because he had a pair, and he wore them because he was a gentleman who took charge with charm. Even in all types of weather conditions-if it was hot-linen, if it were cold- trench coat (not the snowman skiing jacket over a suit), if it were rainy- an umbrella and a hat (no hooded jackets). He walked with dignity and respect and was always quick with a smile and a wink for the ladies.

However, now, what rules is not dignity but comfort. He has swapped out respect for CROCS. Traded in class for shorts. I can remember the first time I scowled at someone for wearing CROCS and asked them why the hell they do it-they responded with, "I know I know...” as if already knowing the objective reality of how horrific they look, "but they are soo comfortable, it feels like you have pillows on your feet." I responded with disgust explaining that it might feel comfortable for ME to take a shit right here and now in their presence, but I don't and furthermore I feel like YOU have done the equivalent with your choice of footwear in my presence. Show some respect people.

The man of our day in age has no backbone, no fortitude; instead he bends and breaks at the slightest breeze. If any level of discomfort should affront him, he flees from it frightened, crying out in disgust frantically looking for relief. Everyone knows the natural elements can be harsh and severe at times, especially when seasons change. However, a man should never compromise on truth. For instance, now that it is summer we all are experiencing the high temperatures and blazing sun and once again, we suffer from the unfortunate inability of men being men. We see men prancing around in baggy cargo shorts in public whining about the high temperatures through their wearing of shorts when clearly there is no pool or ocean nearby. It's indecent and most of all not class all day. Even the name “short” has no positive connotations in the English language. Think about it-- “Yea he’s a great guy but he’s short.” , “Oh shucks, I’m one dollar short.”, “Damn it to all hell! My computer just SHORTed out”. Do I really need to continue? I don’t think so. Can a woman really respect a man who walks around in shorts and a t-shirt? The answer is no. No, no, no. Of course we know his response will be, "but its soo hot out and it’s comfortable." For those guys, when they ask where the restroom is you feel like saying, “go around the corner and you will see a door that says "Gentlemen" ignore the sign and go in." If it’s hot outside- thinner pants. Keep your respect. Don’t wear anything SHORT of class all day.

-Your CEO, S.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Gym Etiquette.

I have several issues to address here. First things first, everyone should be going to the gym, so stop announcing it to everyone you meet. “Oh hey, I just got back from the GYM so I can meet you (I’m assuming at Whitlow’s) in a couple of hours.” Was that necessary? Omit the facts, and just go. *Side note: Mike’s Hard Lemonade is NEVER acceptable. Diddy says “if you ordered a drink with a straw in it, you ordered the wrong drink.” I am scared for what he would say/do to you if he saw you in those shorts drinking that nonsense.

Secondly, why are you continuously walking around the gym like you’re doing something but I never see you lift a weight? Take that shit to the track, you’re in the way. If you want to look cute for other dudes curling 5 pound weights in the mirror, do it on your own time. You're only creeping the girls on the elliptical out by staring at them every 30 seconds to make sure they see your biceps. Trust and believe, they are too busy focusing on themselves and that article in US Weekly to notice you.

And lastly, cut off shirts…really? You are not on the Jersey Shore and you are definitely nowhere near this status:

Stop it:!/pages/Cut-Off-Friday/166122910110320?v=info#info_edit_sections


Friday, June 3, 2011

Phone Holsters.

I do not understand why these were ever necessary in the first place. Skinny jeans for boys just came about so don’t tell me you don’t have room in your pockets. Keep it discrete, make them wait.

It is always the guy who thinks he has multiple opportunities within the company (but does not take any said opportunities because they are “not quite what he is looking for” or the “timing is slightly off”) sportin this look. Two things: if they wanted you, you would be in their group, and you are more than likely not as important as you think you are. Question: why are you walking around the office like you have something to do with NO phone in your holster? Go ahead and finish faxing that report for your boss because he actually has shit to do.

Unless you find yourself having a non-existent meeting at the O.K. Corral with a new client that does not want to do business with you, leave the holsters for Doc Holliday and proceed with your low class ways.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Fragrance is a pretty good indicator of how a person feels about themselves. It exudes confidence and gives the overall feeling of importance. You should always make it a priority to top-off your look before you leave the house.

Axe does not count as a fragrance. Nor does simply taking a shower. Scented deodorant is for the poor, so educate yourself on the finer things in life. You must know the art of applying the right amount. If you can taste it when you breathe, you’ve applied too much. On the other hand, if you can smell the Tequila binge from last night, you did not use enough. For instance, I should be able to board an elevator in my building without worrying that someone who over applied "Sex Panther" is going to step on and make the entire elevator ride feel like being trapped in a WWI trench filled with mustard gas.

Ones to consider:

Stay away from:

(Dungeons and Dragons…yes that’s real).

Unless of course, you are actually trying to repel the opposite sex – in which case knock yourself out. One of the first things a person notices about someone else is the way that they smell. Even if you cannot see someone, and they walk into a room smelling like a Greek fish monger – believe me, you are going to notice that they decided to “hang out”. So do yourself a favor, do some research and come up with a fragrance that does not smell like you spent all week without a shower playing video games in your mom’s basement and eating corn chips. Times have changed; even cowboys can’t smell like cowboys anymore.

(I am sure he has a great personality – if your nose was gnawed off in an animal attack you might get to find out)

~J and guest writer

Monday, May 23, 2011


Please view the following photos as inspiration for the week:

Baron Wells Cuff Links

You're welcome.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Topics of Conversation.

After letting the lady order and persuading the maître d to getting you the NY Slab (Pittsburgh style, of course) and Budweiser, allow her some time to choose a subject. Give her a minute, not much longer, to have the option of picking conversation, and then if silence remains, step in with topics of interests. Be specific, never general, the weather is left for meteorologist! That’s why they go to schools that meteorologist go to. Not so for you.

Give her an abstract of what your last seven days consisted -keeping it diplomatic if the type of work you do is need be bases only- and let her question as often as she likes, it builds character. While you give insight into what it’s like being you she'll have a better understanding and be more able to respond, to the benefit of the remainder of the evening. You will know once she has reached her comfort level, if needed, as she smiles, tosses her hair, and begins to lock eyes with you for considerable time. Chime in with insight or to further possible inquiry… She knows she's next!

The night should be beyond the Q&A phase at this point, perhaps martinis and a scotch on the terrace. Let the evening close as it may, when it shall.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This next topic is one that requires urgent attention: mixing patterns. Now, I’m all for taking chances when it comes to fashion, but some just do not have a clue. They get creative unintentionally, if you will. Men, do you want to look like an optical illusion? Stop wearing stripes on stripes! You are literally a walking headache.

Congratulations, you are one of those Magic Eye pictures I could never see in 4th grade. They are not looking at your shirt because they like it; they are trying to make out the sailboat behind it. If kaleidoscope was a color, you found it.

This is how it should be done:


Monday, May 9, 2011


Texting while in the company of another is loooow class. Nothing says “you could not matter any less to me right now” than pulling out your phone, checking it at the table, then LEAVING it on the table for the duration of the evening. You are not impressing her with how many friends you have. What you’re doing is slowly creeping into the dudebro category with every text sent. I don’t even need to see you to know who you are. Brown flip-flops with jeans, some Ed Hardy type a shirt (oh excuse me, a polo with a wrinkled collar for this special occasion), taking your girl out to dinner since you’re sick of hearing her complain that all you do is play video games. Well, the unfortunate reality is, you’ve forgotten how to be cordial and carry on a conversation with the lady in front of you. Thank goodness for your iPhone! When you run out of people to text, you can just pull up some lame game or YouTube clip and joke about that rather than have a real thought and discuss it with her.

Look. If you must take a call, excuse yourself from the table and take the call out of earshot…I get it, you’re a busy man!

**The following is an actual picture, taken at none other than Clarendon it that serious?


Sunday, May 8, 2011


When we men think about ourselves, we like to think we are a man, a real man, according to our definition of what we learned a man should be. The subject matter coming to light is one that has been considered for quite some time, and will be taken further at a later date, but for now one will place emphasis on that which is most important; Chivalry.

Mass media has given praise to the sensitive-listener types who grace the magazine pages, television screens, and of course, all that is impacted by societal norms. This should not be! It should never have been! It has affected the social lives of many youth and is sending the wrong message. Reason: One should grow up knowing how to build from scratch, fix everything within a home, read books and newspapers, drink black coffee, write hand written notes and enjoy the occasional libation. He should not cry, listen to something one does not find interesting, order anything but black coffee or espresso, and most importantly, wear shorts, flip flops, or white socks with dress shoes.

You may ask, "Where has the John Wayne, Steve McQueen, Robert Redford-esque (sh!t even Kevin Costner) type disappeared to?"

We have been shunned because people watch television instead of going to a cafés and have conversations like the good ol' days. One continues to walk street side, open doors, and if she really deserves it, we take her for a steak and night out on the town in black suit, white dress shirt, and cuff links (bowtie/tie optional) while she is in her favorite dress (or that which she smiles most in). Several have decided to take the initiative in living this lifestyle - I'm sure you can think of one or two.

Make statements, don’t ask questions.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We need to discuss how to dress while traveling. Let’s just have a general rule of thumb: anything you would sleep in is inappropriate for the airport. Have some respect for traveling! Baggy does not mean comfortable, it means sloppy and definitely screams Coach. You think this guy needs to worry about baggage fees?

Please. He just bought your girl a drink askin her what her interests are, who she be with? You know the rest.

Leave the sweats, sneakers, athletic wear and oversized sunglasses at home. Keep it tasteful and know your audience.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dress for the Workplace

The late 1990s brought many terrible fashion trends along with it (i.e. JNCOs, Baggy Overalls, Track Suits…need I go on?). Most have, thankfully, died out but one trend continues to linger. I, naturally, am talking about “Casual Fridays.” This has been the demise of the workplace ever since. I bet you would be surprised at who was instrumental in starting this fad: Bill Gates. The Dot-com boom had men and women working from both the home and the office. People began to have a “whatever I can get away with” mentality when it came to their work attire. What happened to taking pride in what you do and how you come across to others? When did khakis and Polo's replace trousers with a pressed shirt and cuff links? Let us go back to classiness.

Bill Gates. Photo courtesy of Google.


Cary Grant. Photo courtesy of Google.

- J