Axe does not count as a fragrance. Nor does simply taking a shower. Scented deodorant is for the poor, so educate yourself on the finer things in life. You must know the art of applying the right amount. If you can taste it when you breathe, you’ve applied too much. On the other hand, if you can smell the Tequila binge from last night, you did not use enough. For instance, I should be able to board an elevator in my building without worrying that someone who over applied "Sex Panther" is going to step on and make the entire elevator ride feel like being trapped in a WWI trench filled with mustard gas.
Ones to consider:

Stay away from:
(Dungeons and Dragons…yes that’s real).
Unless of course, you are actually trying to repel the opposite sex – in which case knock yourself out. One of the first things a person notices about someone else is the way that they smell. Even if you cannot see someone, and they walk into a room smelling like a Greek fish monger – believe me, you are going to notice that they decided to “hang out”. So do yourself a favor, do some research and come up with a fragrance that does not smell like you spent all week without a shower playing video games in your mom’s basement and eating corn chips. Times have changed; even cowboys can’t smell like cowboys anymore.

(I am sure he has a great personality – if your nose was gnawed off in an animal attack you might get to find out)
~J and guest writer