Friday, June 3, 2011

Phone Holsters.

I do not understand why these were ever necessary in the first place. Skinny jeans for boys just came about so don’t tell me you don’t have room in your pockets. Keep it discrete, make them wait.

It is always the guy who thinks he has multiple opportunities within the company (but does not take any said opportunities because they are “not quite what he is looking for” or the “timing is slightly off”) sportin this look. Two things: if they wanted you, you would be in their group, and you are more than likely not as important as you think you are. Question: why are you walking around the office like you have something to do with NO phone in your holster? Go ahead and finish faxing that report for your boss because he actually has shit to do.

Unless you find yourself having a non-existent meeting at the O.K. Corral with a new client that does not want to do business with you, leave the holsters for Doc Holliday and proceed with your low class ways.


1 comment:

  1. Acceptable holsters:
